The Rising Firefly Archive Excerpts: Understanding the Mandala of Denderah

RF70: Science & Reason 

Understanding the Mandala of Denderah

Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

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The Earth Center, under the spiritual guidance of Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, is presenting to the public something many eyes have not seen and even more ears have not heard – the truth about the original map of the sky.  It is called the Mandala of Denderah, and it is the most impressive, most accurate and most astonishing representation of the original outline of the sky. 

The Mandala of Denderah is the original map of the sky.  It is the very first map of the sky that displays all of the constellations with their original Kemetic names.  The original inhabitants of the Nile Valley developed this map to identify their surroundings, and it can still be found in the temples of Dendera (renamed Elephantine by the Greeks).

The Mandala of Denderah precedes all modern history and is over 54,000 years old.  It is clearly older than many civilizations on the planet and has been reproduced by various societies.  It has been plagiarized by the Greeks, Arabs, Chinese, and the Hittites to name a few.  Each group has changed the Mandala of Denderah to establish their own cultural identity with the map.  For example, on the Chinese calendar, a dragon resides in the same position where a crocodile resides in the Mandala of Dendera.  When looking at the Mayan Calendar, one can see its close resemblance to the Kemetic map.  Hence, the map was changed from astronomical accuracy to a cultural expression for each group of people.

“All the charts that we see now, even the astronomical charts of the sky, are degenerations of the Mandala of Denderah.  The map has been reproduced in various areas around the world.  But what is happening is that every tribe or culture tries to add their identity to the Mandala by transforming aspects of the map itself,” replies the Prophet.  Most of the public does not realize how easily corruption can be introduced into a spiritual and factual map.  “For example, it is very easy to replace the bull with the bear, because the bull and the bear (form-wise) will look the same.  Now we call the bear the ‘Big Dipper.’ The Big Dipper’s astronomical name is ‘Usar Major’, Usar meaning bear.  So, you have ‘big bear’ and ‘small bear.’  Things degenerate very easily and quickly when cultural expression is exchanged for astronomical accuracy.  Different people put their own cultural flavor or influence in it, and that is what has affected the knowledge.  “You start doing something with a reason, and in time the reasons of why you are doing it change.  You see it as evolution, but the truth is it is more like a degeneration.  When the reason is changing and the act is exactly the same, it happens as a distraction – this is how easily a human being forgets why he does things.  He always has to convince himself of why he is doing something, so when he forgets why he was doing something, he makes up another reason to explain why he is doing it.” 

RF: What is the Mandala?

Prophet: The Mandala is just a map or chart.  It is from that original word that we have different spiritual drawings that are called mandala as well.  For example, in Tibetan maps, all the charts will be called mandala.

RF: Has the map of the sky changed since the original Mandala of Denderah was created?

Prophet: The Mandala doesn’t change because the constellation is represented as static stars – stars that don’t move or that move extremely slowly. The change is slow and is above human comprehension, so for a human being, it is literally impossible to notice it.  The oldest estimate is the equivalence of the rhythm of one degree every three to four hundred thousand years. 

RF: How old is the Mandala of Denderah?

Prophet: It is at least 54,000 years old.  Since the Europeans took over, their map of the sky has changed.  For the last 600 years, the map of the sky has been changed at least 100 times! Before the Europeans started developing an interest in astronomy, it was the Arabic people that made it their job to change all the names of the stars into the Arabic language.  While this was happening, the Chinese people were changing all the names into Chinese and reconfiguring the drawings.  When the Europeans got involved they had a convention to get Arabs to name some of the stars and leave some for Europeans to name.  So some of them took Arabic names and others took Latin names.  Then the Europeans, like every superpower that comes up, want to colonize the sky.  I recently saw an advertisement that says you can rename a star – now America feels that they are superior and they want to colonize/re-name every star. 

RF: What effects does this have on astronomy?

Prophet: During the cold war, Russia said that they were doing most of the work identifying most of the stars, and they deserved to name them.  When they noticed a star, they put their name on it.  It became a big mess.  So basically, astronomy is becoming more difficult because of politics.  First, they said that whoever colonizes the land is the most powerful, so they colonized everything.  Then they changed the rules to whoever is colonizing the stars is the most powerful.  Some people now are even buying land on the moon! Some guy came up with this scam – you can find it on the internet.  It sells for like $200 an acre.  The irony is that there are people in England that are claiming they own the land on the moon! It all boils down to the degeneration of humankind. 

RF: What about the other Zodiacs?

Prophet: The other zodiacs are all based on this original map of the sky.  We included the “modern” zodiac on the poster of the Mandala of Denderah.  If you look at the original map of the sky, you will see the same zodiac symbols that the Greeks introduced as their own. 

The Mandala of Denderah is the world’s oldest and only true map of the sky with everything in its exact location.  It is the symbol of people who inhabited the Hapi (Nile) valley and their vast wisdom of mathematics, art and astronomy.  It is clear that everybody goes to Africa to look for and gather knowledge, and astronomical knowledge has not escaped this reality.

Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig has resurrected The Mandala of Denderah and has presented this important knowledge to the public in the form of a poster.  It represents the regeneration of human knowledge and true astronomical knowledge, and we should all have one to place on our walls with pride.  


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