Kemetic Paradigm Series Part 5: What Is The Basis of Our Society?


While the knowledge from Kemet was being preserved and protected across tribes in West Africa, the foundations for the modern society in which we all live today was being laid by the Greeks and Romans.

This new paradigm, based upon the small amounts of knowledge the invaders were able to take from the Kemetic initiations merged with Greco-Roman values, is the one we are all living within today. If Meritah (traditional Africa) is to be recognized as the “cradle of civilization,” then it is clear that all of us living in the modern world today have been colonized. We’ve lost our Ancestral culture. Instead, we speak the language of the colonizer, have adopted their religions, live by their calendar, and have internalized their values.

Design of “What Is The Basis of Our Society?” Graphic by Sanchaya Satish


Kemetic Paradigm Series Part 6: What Is Spiritual Confusion?


Kemetic Paradigm Series Part 4: How Did Our Ancestors Preserve Kemetic Knowledge From Invaders?