Reviving Authentic Medu Through Music

Reviving Authentic Medu Through Music

As an elder student and Herpw of the M'TAM School of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality of The Earth Center, I can appreciate the importance of knowing one's native tongue. While people across the globe may now speak English, French, Zulu, Hausa, Chinese, Mayan, etc., there is one original language that was spoken by all of humanity: Medu. The Medu language is known by the layperson as Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs and is thought to be a dead language, but this is a false assumption. The Medu is spoken by Traditional African (Kemetic) Priests throughout Africa, and although it has been reserved for the underground secret society "Mystery Schools" of African initiation camps, the language is not only living and used, but is vital for true spiritual work and ceremony. One should note, however, that the actual authentic Medu language that is used and spoken fluently within Traditional African Spirituality is not the Hieroglyph "language" that is taught by Egyptologists and Universities; the Western/academic variety of the language is based on assumption and imperialistic values rather than honesty, spirituality, and culture. 

It is in this spirit that Robert Lee Irving I, a.k.a. Baabe, decided to introduce the authentic Medu language to the masses in his newest CD Hezu Em Medu Rey Kemet (Songs in the Language of Kemet) by the African Arts Ensemble, "This is a beautiful language that was actually spoken by the Pharaohs of Ancient Kemet (or Egypt, as the Greeks renamed it). As a student of this ancient language, I thought it would be exciting to revive the language in song so that people could actually experience the wonderful sound and flow of this original language from which Arabic and Hebrew were derived," said Baabe. Baabe is a student of Master Naba of The Earth Center. "According to this knowledge, the revival of this language (Medu) in song has not been attempted prior to the release of this CD." 

Funded by Africa International House and Sonic Portraits Entertainment (with contributions from all of the musicians involved in the project), the CD helps the listener to revisit our ancient origins through the language that was used by the builders of the pyramids. "Inside the CD there are actual hieroglyphs/Medu letters of song lyrics with the phonetic pronunciations and English translation. It is literally an advanced lesson in Medu with very enjoyable music," commented Baabe. 

The CD opens with Hayza Sunnu (Healing Song) which includes a sequenced loop of a traditional drum patter used in healing ceremonies as conveyed by Master Naba, an authentic Dogon Priest. This song also features Medu phrases for "healing for the heart, healing for the soul, and healing for the Earth" (sunnu em ib, sunnu em ka, sunnu em ta-we). Hayza Sunnu is performed in the key of F (actually D minor, the relative minor of F), which, according to Wayne Perry and the "Correlative Healing Chart for Sound Therapy", this key "has a positive effect on the bladder, the heart, the kidneys, and the thymus, and helps insomnia, reduces blood pressure, and promotes compassion and resolution." 

Nefer Merrt (Beautiful Love) follows the opening tune, featuring a story about the Ho 1 y Drama that was written n d translated by Bikba ye Inejnema, also an initiate of The Earth Center under Master Naba. Ujah Err-Tin (I'm Greeting You) follows, featuring common greetings in Medu. Next comes Soul Remembering, which is an original African Arts Ensemble song performed in 1996. "It is virtually unchanged except for the horn arrangements. It speaks about remembering the Ancient African roots of all humanity and how ancient knowledge has led to what we refer to as modern technology," explains Baabe. 

Featured on this amazing CD is an Earth Wind & Fire medley called Sun Goddess/Running/Get Away, paying tribute to the elements of the universe. Jetta Neb Heru (Every Eternal Today) comes next, followed by Time Won't Tell (All Time is Now), Hempt Nubian (Nubian Girl), featuring a story about a Nubian girl named Hajima written by Bikbaye Inejnema, and Abraheim Abshalom (Abraham Father of Peace) brings the CD to a close. 

The African Arts Ensemble is truly a gifted group of musicians, and the fact that the entire project was completed in just over one month makes this work all the more spectacular. Members of the African Arts Ensemble include: 

Robert Lee Irving III - Miles Davis producer and keyboardist (piano/Yamaha motif/rap/vocals) 

Eddie Mason - music therapist (percussion) 

Yaya Kabo - drummer for the Muntu Dance Co (djembe drums) 

Terry Garrett - played with Debbie Defire (drums/vocals) 

Curtis Robinson - performer with Ramsey Lewis, Isaac Hayes (guitar) 

Ohave Orlando Paul Condon II - 25 years in Israel, toured with Yehoram Gaon (bass) 

Jeremy Irving - 15yr old multi-instrumentalist (guitary/percussion) 

Corey Wilkes - performs with Chicago Art Ensemble (trumpet/flugel horn) Dan Nicholson popular performer (alto sax/soprano sax/flute) Norman Palm Jr - 23yr old musical genius (trombone/recorder) Vocals by: Mae Oneita Koen, Molinea Isha Lewis, Gerald McClendon, and Sherry Scott Special Guest: Bikbaye Inejnema - Herpw of The Earth Center (Medu). 

"Every musician and vocalist involved in this project contributed a tremendous amount of time, talent, and uniqueness to the Hezu Em Medu Rey Kemet Thisle (congp in the Language Of Armer) project, making it very special," said Baabe. Yes, this CD is extremely special. It not only features the exceptional musical genius of Robert Lee Irving III (a.k.a. Baabe) and his Beabp Irving If & The African Arts Ensemble staff, but it has been approved by Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, the only authentic Kemetic Priest outside of Africa. 

Medu translations for all songs have been provided by Master Naba and The Earth Center. The Medu is authentic and real Medu translations for the songs can be found at and the CD can be purchased at or at This is a groundbreaking CD - be sure to purchase yours while it is still available.


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